My Gammill

March 27, 2011

Lakeview Quilt Guild Spring Retreat

I spent three days at the Lakeview Quilter's Guild Spring Retreat in Galveston this week. It was so much fun to focus on piecing and talking all day! I was so impressed with the other quilter's projects and their creativity. I decided that I need to step up my "attempts" at quilting and challenge myself to harder or more complicated projects. I have had so little time for my own piecing lately that I have moved to making easier, quicker quilts. But, now it is time to learn more and do more!

This is my space with my Featherweight and my NY Built Polka Dot lunch bag. I LOVE both of them. Old and New! My sister is there in the background wearing the yellow sweater.

This is the other end of the room. There were 70 quilters signed up to attend the retreat. But, we were never all there at the same time. It was a come and go, do-your-own-projects kind of retreat.

I went to visit Robyn Pandolph's new store in Galveston. It was a very sweet, lovely but exciting store. You need to check it out! Make it a field trip to go to her store and then to lunch. There are a lot of wonderful restaurants in Galveston, too.

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