My Gammill

December 13, 2017



"The noun retreat means a place you can go to be alone, to get away from it all.  A spot under a shady tree might be your favorite retreat from the sun."

"The act of pulling back or withdrawing, as from something dangerous or unpleasant."

"A peaceful, quiet place affording privacy or security."

"A period of retirement, selusion or solitude."

"A period of meditation, prayer or study."

I recently went to a BYU Alumni quilting retreat in Galveston, TX. I did feel as though it was a withdrawl from ordinary life. It was a peaceful experience but with friendship and laughter. I learned a lot from the other women, so it was a time for study as well...well, quilt study!

It was my 7th year to attend the retreat in Galveston. I was blessed to be able to go and visit with my quilting friends. We have formed a wonderful bond through the years of quilting together for just 5 days each year. I am grateful for these friends.

1 comment:

Spandex collection said...

Thanks for sharing. I found this kind od some excellent fabrics from Spandex Collection in NYC near me which was a nice weight, not too beefy.